When you are making a marketing plan, one of the important things that should be in there is having a good strong presence online. Whether it's on a social media page, or a blog post, it's important to have. When you are on the page, you need to make sure that the information you are providing is good and quality information. Once people realize that you are the real deal, they will trust you more … [Read more...]
What’s next for digital marketing in 2021 – 10 most notable trends (2022 Update)
Digital marketing is becoming a necessary part of any marketing plan whether you are a big business or not. It is becoming more necessary so much that there are trends that are starting to form. One of those trends is the use of videos. They are becoming more necessary also. People would rather have video as a form of content. Having more social media pages is another trend that is emerging. It … [Read more...]
SEO Tactics: 7 Things You Can Do Right Now To Boost Your Rankings
When you are creating a digital marketing plan, having a solid SEO is a necessary part that plan. A good solid SEO will help you get the audience that you want. If you keep up on the page and make it consistent, you will have a good SEO. Look at your content and see if there are any things that you can update it with. When you use fresh and updated content, Google knows this. Key Takeaways: … [Read more...]
How to integrate social media and content marketing strategies
Social media is becoming a necessary part of having an online marketing plan. Integrating it into your strategy is the easy part, it's convincing audience members that you are the real deal is the hard part. Start by putting links to your social media page on other pages that you have. Mentioning your social media page is also another way to get your name out there. Many companies are … [Read more...]
How to Optimize Your Online Marketing Plan: A 4-Step Process : Social Media Examiner
Once you get a good solid marketing plan there can be bumps in the road. Getting it to be the most optimized that you can do is the next step if you feel like it's not going well. Look back and audit your marketing plan to see if there is anything that you can fix. Make sure that you are showing this marketing plan to the right people. Make sure that the product your are selling is understandable … [Read more...]
15 Tips to Building a Better Social Media Presence
When you are making a marketing plan, you need to make sure you are planning for a social media page. Social media is extremely important because it allows your to create a brand for your company. Using something like facebook will help you grow organically if you take the right steps. The most important thing to do is to make sure that you are speaking to the right audience members. Try to act … [Read more...]
Online Advertising: Everything You Need to Know in 2021
Online advertising is becoming a necessary part of any business plan. It can be a little different from your traditional advertising. 9 out of 10 interactions will start out with a search engine search. There are many different types of ways to advertise online. The most common way to do it is to use Social Media. It's free and you can target your specific audience. This is also the place to … [Read more...]
3 Easy Ways to Improve SEO for Your Service Business
When you are making a marketing plan, having a proper SEO is one of the most important steps. Having a good SEO will ensure that you are higher up on the search result lists. Research some specific keywords to see which ones are working the best for you. Another thing that you need to check is to see how your URLs and titles of the pages you are doing. Make sure that your page is also fast and … [Read more...]
Failure to embrace modern digital technology could be catastrophic for your business – Elite Business
Over the past decade or so, we have seen a complete shift in the way that we communicate with others. As face to face communication has began to lesser, we have seen a boom in the ability to communicate with others digitally. This is relevant to small businesses as well because along with communication, digital platforms are basically running our world. The issue that small businesses have is that … [Read more...]
How to Set Up an Effective Automated Welcome Email Series | Constant Contact
Setting up an effective automated welcome email series is something that will benefit you for a long time. An automated welcome email series will typically lead to higher sales as well as more engagement from your customers. One of the big advantages of this is that you can time everything out way ahead of schedule. This allows you to get the timing of your emails perfectly. You want all of the … [Read more...]