There has to be an easier way
You need to attract customers. The best way to do that is to have a presence on the web. However, the building and maintenance, particularly the SEO of a website, are both time-consuming. More than that it is distracting from the most important activity of serving, your customers. Running a business is hard enough. Running a business and running a website is a whole new kettle of fish.
If you have a website you need to get traffic and that means optimising your site to attract it. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is hard and time-consuming. I know I have been on the web since the early days and keeping abreast of all the changes as well as keeping ahead of the crowd can be exhausting and then the search engines change the rules and you have to start again. I’ve been there. It’s no good complaining you just have to act and start again.
You could outsource all the work and pay exorbitant fees and if you have been there as I have you very quickly start to question your return on your investment. Not to mention whether you have actually saved anything in time because you still need to be constantly consulting with your webmaster. But what if there was an easier way one which was both cost-effective and reduces your stress?
Reduce Your Time and Effort in SEO
It took me years to realise that the only long-term, effective, SEO is adding original content and promoting that content.
Google’s rule will change as will SEO but the one thing that has consistently remained the same as the web developed is that good content always wins customers. But keeping up good content is also hard and then I have to run a business. But only good content kept the customers coming, no matter what Google or anybody else did. So I started dot look for a better way.
Eventually, I found tools that meant I was only achieving my goals of attracting customers through good content and promotion of that content and it only took me 20 min a day.
If you could reduce your effort to 20 minutes a week and still get all the content and promotion you need at a comparatively reasonable cost?
What would that be worth to you?
Well, I would like to offer this service to you.
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